Thursday, February 7, 2013

He's Solid Rock

Well, anyone who has been following my blog knows that God has been working within me to fully trust Him.  He is stretching my faith & allowing me to be way more uncomfortable than I am used to being.  And, in that discomfort, I am choosing to trust Him.  I'm learning to lean on the TRUTH of His word, the FAITHFUL friends that He has put in my life, and the POWER of prayer.

So a few days ago I posted about my prayer requests.  Thank you prayer warriors for praying for me.  I was really down and instead of focusing on the negative, I really knew that I needed people to start praying. I soon after received a text from a friend, a phone call from my mother and the next morning, prayers from co-workers.

I felt the prayers.

That next morning, I felt myself getting overwhelmed a bit and I went to His word.  Opening an email sent to me from a friend, I immediately felt COMFORT.  In the email, there were a bunch of verses about TRUSTING God and His POWER. The following verse really stood out to me, especially since one of the things that has been hard is being PATIENT and WAITING for God's time.

But, I do believe HIS WORD!

God, the one and only—I’ll wait as long as He says.
    Everything I need comes from Him, so why not?
He’s solid rock under my feet,
    breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle: I’m set for life.
                                                Psalm 62:1-2

In my weakness, He is made strong.  I am made strong through Him.

God's hand is touching my life in so many ways.  He reminds me that He's got the details every day when I find out of a new person who has been praying for me, or when I come home just to find one more check in the mail to support His will for my life, or by just having me right now in an environment where I can freely pray and learn more and more about His word.


I continue to pray for wise advice, for continued support from those around me, and for open eyes to what God needs me to do.

May God continue to lead the way and may I follow, knowing that I have SOLID ROCK under my feet.

Thanks be to God!

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