Monday, March 24, 2014

Blessed & Spreading J.O.Y.

In the last Bible Study that I had with some woman missionaries a couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to look at blessings and talk about what it means exactly to be blessed.  Many times as Americans we look at blessings to have some kind of monetary value.  Those who have much are blessed which, if we think about it, automatically assumes that those who don't have much are not blessed.  Of course, when we say I am blessed for what I have, we are not thinking of the direct opposite, but in general we are insinuating just that.  After reading Matthew 5 which is an account of  Jesus' sermon on the Mount, it is clear that blessings in God's eyes have nothing to do with the material.  Instead, those who are truly blessed are blessed because of their pure hearts, humility, compassion, mercy, persecution for their faith, hunger and thirst for righteousness, and work towards peace.

I talk about blessings today because over the last few weeks I have been showered with blessings.  It's not at all the material gifts that I have received (although those are always always nice), but instead the people who have come to serve with me, who have had compassionate hearts, who have shown mercy to the hungry, who have shared God's love with the broken, and who have prayed over the people whom I have come to love.  And because of those blessings I am also encouraged to remain humble, compassionate, generous and bold in my faith as God keeps me serving here in this little town called Quisqueya.

Two weeks ago, I hosted a group from UGA.   The group of 7 young women, including one who graduated from Wesleyan and a missionary whose husband taught with me there spent the week washing hair, learning how to do Dominican hair, praying over families, painting a home, and just loving God's creation.  God showed up in many ways, but one special way was by protecting each of us in not getting lice.  God also showed me another way that I can serve the families that I live near.  I loved washing and doing hair and teaching others how to as well.  I am sure that there is more hair washing in my future.

This is the UGA group after washing the hair of the 5 girls whose mom has cancer.
I am preparing Genesis' hair before washing it outside of her home.
During that same week, I had the opportunity to spend all week with two very special girls, Kelsey and Lauren, who I met at Wesleyan about 8 years ago when I was their grade chair and Bible Study leader.  God has blessed our relationship so much by allowing them to grow in their faith, by allowing us to pray together, and by sending them to spend a week with me here in the D.R.  Our time was spent reading Hebrews, laughing, praying, visiting, and serving.  Looking back on the week, God truly helped me to understand more His desire for me to love the people here, he revealed even more His plan for me, and over and over again, he showed His love for me by sending me such friends and supporters.  In Hebrews 10:23-24, the writer explains that as believers we should "think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works," and that we should "not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."  Being visited by such young, vibrant, loving, and strong women of God truly was an encouragement and a great reminder that we are not meant to walk alone. 

Kelsey and Lauren sporting Emanuel House shirts and surprising me with kisses before heading home.
Lauren, Kelsey and friends after washing hair.

I must say that I have felt showered over the last weeks with people who have come to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  And I am struck by the relationships that God put in my life that were formed because of my past job.  I praise the Lord for allowing me to work at a place that not only encouraged our growth in our faith, but also stretched us to share with the kids in our care.  Always emphasizing the importance of Jesus first, Others next and finally Yourself, it is clear that the kids who had the opportunity to serve here with me get it.  Thanks be to God that the  J.O.Y motto has rubbed off! 

The 2014 Wesleyan Coed Team
My prayer over the past week as I welcomed a group of 24 Wesleyan teens and teachers here to Quisqueya each day was that we would serve the Lord well and help the people here and not hurt them.  My prayer was also that this time would be one that supplemented ministry that I was already doing and jumpstarted some that I can see doing in the future.  I must say, God answered big time!  God blessed Quisqueya with a group of young people who were ready to be stretched in their faith by praying in homes and sharing testimonies.  We put together literacy packets to encourage parents to help their children to learn at home, put on skits giving 5 suggestions for helping at home, and a leader / parent gave her testimony about depending on God even when it's hard.  Please pray for those parents who are illiterate themselves.  Please pray for the Lord to provide ways to open their eyes and minds to learning along with their children.  Along with sharing testimonies and helping parents, this past week was filled with prayer walks, performing skits in one of the most spiritually poor neighborhoods here in Quisqueya, and helping me with my Saturday Kids' Club where we had a record of about 70 kids attend. 

Emma chats before a game of baseball with neighborhood kids.

At Saturday's Kids' Club we acted out the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus.
I praise God for His hand in this week's activities and for helping us speak His word and be His hands and feet to serve some of the most physically poor people here in Quisqueya.  I also praise God for blessing me with the Wesleyan community over the last month (Brad - pastor and former co-worker, Lauren, Kelsey and Jessie - former students; & Wesleyan Coed and Girls Teams) which showered Emanuel House kids and staff with encouraging words, hugs for kids who may not get them at home, and with relationships that hopefully will last.

Thank you for your Prayers! 
Please pray:
- that the experience over  the last week would be one that stretches the Wesleyan kids and UGA girls in their faith.
- for continued time in the Word and Bible verse memorization
- a young Emanuel House girl who is facing abuse at home.  Pray for discernment in how to handle it and for a changed heart among the adults in her life.
- for Mirqueya's continued guidance by the Lord as she faces many hard decisions each day.
- for spiritual and physical rest both for Mirqueya and me!

Colossians 2:16-17 - Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.


  1. Hi Adrienne,

    I am so proud and honored to experience God's power in your life. Reading your blogs shows just how truly amazing God is and how amazing you are. My prayer is for your continued strength and endurance, and most of all that God will continue to help you carry out this mission. Continue to enjoy your journey. Love Ya!!!- Natalie Jones

    1. Thanks Natalie! How sweet! God is truly abundant! If I've learned one thing I've learned that.
