Monday, October 7, 2013

Alive and Loving It!

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand.  Think about things of heaven, not the things of earth.  For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.  And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all His glory.  Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.  Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.  Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.  And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.  For as members of one body you are called to live in peace.  And always be thankful!

Colossians 3:1-4, 12-15





Clearly I am not the best at putting pictures on my blog, but I had the opportunity to spend 3 days this week at Pasitos de Jesus Orphanage for girls in Boca Chica and wanted to share some of the moments that I caught on camera.  I usually only visit once a week, but what a blessing these girls are to me!  Most of them come from pretty bad backgrounds.  They have been abused, neglected or their parents have passed away or can't take care of them.  And yet, Dalma, the founder has instilled in them the love of God.  And so, while they are normal little girls who have their moments, in all, they are joyful, playful and full of hugs.  Every time after visiting, I marvel at what a wonderful blessing the ministry is to the girls, to me, and to those who have the opportunity to visit.  There are some who just "pass through" as Pasitos is a safe place for girls who need a place to stay for a few weeks or some months.  For others, this is the only family they really know as they have lived with Dalma for much of their lives.  And for some, they still battle their pasts.  I pray that the Lord will continue to bless them by putting Godly people in their lives.  I pray that He will put the resources in front of them for them to be well-educated.  Mostly, I pray that He would allow them to overcome their pasts and truly fall into relationship with Jesus so that they can live focused on the eternal.

Today at church service, the sermon was about Colossians 3.  The message was one that focused on our need to concentrate on our eternal life and not be so preoccupied with the problems, challenges or luxuries of our life on earth.  After all, if we are dead to life in this world, there are so many things that truly don't matter, right?  And yet, we worry, we are anxious, we wonder what if, we ask why, we are greedy, we worship the things of this world, and we are hateful.

But, clinging to God, having an eternal perspective, and focusing on His promises are truly the answer to being alive and loving it!

I think about the kids that I meet and hug, the girls at the orphanage that I get to love on, the kids that I get to drive around, the people that I work with on a daily basis, and the missionaries who try to glorify God each day in their ministries.  I think about the people back in the States who are truly using their resources, their hands, and their gifts to glorify God because they understand truly what He did for them by sending His son not only to die, but to live again.  While I know that none of us can fully understand what it means to be raised to new life with Christ, I praise Him for those people in my life of who have devoted their daily walk to Him. It is our daily walk that affects the non-believer and grows the faith of those whose faith is small.

I pray that my understanding of His love for me will not stop at my salvation, but that it would make me want to live more and more for Him, increasingly leaving behind my worldly ways.   I also pray that for all who are reading this.  May you become more and more alive in Christ.  May you live for Him -- not just in word, but in deed, not because that is how He saves, but because He saved and you are grateful!

I thank God for those whom He has put in my path to serve.  May I love them well.  May I serve them often.  May His light shine and not mine.  

Updates and Prayer Requests:

I am finding out that there are some out there who read my blog posts, but was wondering how many have browsed the general blog in a while.  Please check out the tabs across the top of my blog for information about Child Sponsorship and How You Can Help my Ministry here.  They are all newly updated!  
  • I am almost done with testing at Emanuel House.  Thanks be to God!  Please pray to finish well.
  • The family we shopped for uniforms for went to school on Monday.  Pray for that transition.
  • I will be preparing for my first Woman's Conference with other SCORE missionaries next week.  I have lots to do before then.  Please pray for my organization and endurance.
  • We made a design for the Emanuel House Library and are still collecting Spanish books!
  • I finally have an address to send care packages to me.  Please check out the How You Can Help tab.
  • I am feeling more and more at home and in community.  Thank you for your prayers!
  • For those who read about my friend who attempted to kill herself, she accepted Christ and is a whole new person.  I am so grateful to have the opportunity to pray with her and visit.
  • I have found a church in both Juan Dolio and Quisqueya that I can attend regularly.  Thanks for the prayers.
  • Bible memorization is still a challenge.  Please continue to pray for me!
  • Emanuel House kids will come back to school on Wednesday after almost a month out of school for testing.  Please pray for excitement and for the teachers to incorporate all that they've learned into the classroom.

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