It's rainy season here… imagine Florida in the Summer mixed with Atlanta in mid April…?
Believe it or not, though I live on a tropical island, and though I own very few long-sleeved things, I have found myself wearing light sweaters or walking down the street on the way to school with chill bumps. I recognize God's creativity every day… as this part of the island is still on the coast, but it also bumps up to mountains… and where mosquitos and a bit of "cold" can co-exist. Of course, "cold" is subjective, but for this Florida / Georgia girl who has lived in the D.R. for over two years now, I often find myself feeling a bit chilly.
And just like with the weather, this season of my life is still one of adjustment. No two days are exactly the same… I am still figuring out my schedule and how to balance and be flexible. It's a balancing act of eating and drinking right while going to school, having fun, building relationships in the communities, resting, having alone time, and studying God's Word. I know that God is faithful and so appreciate what I have already learned from my past experiences and at Missionary Training. Please continue to pray for me in this area.
In this season of my life, the day sometimes brings things unexpected. I often have run ins with lizards, mosquitos, big spiders and cockroaches in our home (usually early in the mornings)… and yet, I am thankful that thus far I don't have run ins with rats or snakes or other critters that other people do deal with. I now have screens on my windows which is helping a lot with mosquitos!
At the Mak School. I see between 4 and 10 kids a day, depending on the day and work with them to improve their reading. Because of my support team, I am able to use an IPAD, internet, and a great reading program, for the kids to work on a program called RAZ Kids where native speakers read books to them. Having this program and others helps me to work with two kids at a time and helps them to be read to in a different way and play while learning. Most of the kids at Makarios don't have books at home or may not have parents who can read. And, they get some very positive one on one time.
Use of the library is underway! The teachers are using it during their library time. Below is Perla, the 1st grade teacher, reading You are Special by Max Lucado (in Spanish of course) to her class.
Mwen pale Kreol un tikal! Two days a week I spend time learning and practicing Creole. I praise God for opening my mind to a new language. In a country where there are so many whose home tongue is Creole, but where so few outside of that culture know the language, learning it has become very important to me. Right now, I try to use the language with whomever I can around the school and on community visits twice a week. One of my favorite things that I have learned is to say, "Mwen gen Jezi. Ou mem?" (I have Jesus and you?) As you can imagine, having bits of Creole, along with English and Spanish in my brain, I often get tired and even confused or frustrated… While at the same time, I really enjoy learning something new! Please pray for continued rest and energy in this new endeavor.
Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit a community after school to practice Creole. I went with the cooks from school, Odilsia and Monica, and met some of her neighbors. I found a great Creole helper there…Emanuel. He spoke to me all in Creole. Truly, my brain was full after that! Above is a picture of me helping one of Odilsia's neighbor peel beans a few weeks ago.
Wednesdays. After school we do community visits as a staff. We go into the three communities where Makarios kids live. The purpose of those visits is to update parents on how kids are progressing and share with them encouragement from the Word of God. Please pray for those families who don't know God and the time I get to spend with them each month. Oh, and at the end of this day, we have family time with the american staff at Makarios. Family night varies each week from missionary care, to worship to staff meetings. It's a great time to spend together with people who maybe we don't see the rest of the week.
Patience. As I knew it would be, this season is definitely one of learning and growing and studying. I've just started working with a missionary couple. Next week, we will start to go through a discipleship book together. I am so excited as I've never been discipled, and yet I know that Jesus called His followers to make disciples...
Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything. I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:18-20
This will definitely be one of my "filling up times" during the week where we get together, study, and fellowship over a meal. I praise Him for this special time of preparation.
On Fridays at school, we do a staff devotional and have a teacher training. (The trainings range from things like teaching fine motor skills, to Bible training, to transitions in the classroom.) Usually during the teacher training, I help kids who need extra help either at Makarios or at their homes.
Most Saturday mornings start out slow and then my roommate, Jenna, and I have a date with some Makarios kids. We sometimes eat breakfast together and walk around the community. The kids have helped me meet other Makarios families, find the best way to buy locally, and try Haitian peanut butter (manba) for the first time. This past Saturday, we celebrated a birthday and read with some kids in Pancho Mateo, the community where Makarios started. I can see God starting to plant seeds for future ministry and He's definitely deepening relationships. Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings, I use for much needed Sabbath.
God has been very faithful in helping me find a church that has a solid biblical foundation. The church that I decided to attend is called Templo Bíblico. The pastor and majority of the congregation is dominican (minus some missionaries from Makarios). I love it. The school that is attached to the church is where the 5th - 8th grade Makarios kids and some Compassion International kids attend. Please pray for our Mak kids who are attending the school. Being their first year there, this is a season of adjustment for them as well. Right now, the church is under construction. I am looking forward to seeing how the ministry that God has sent me to do connects to ministry at the church!
Living in walking distance from the school, yet outside of the community where I work, allows for space and and at the same time ease for people to come over and spend time. I am becoming more comfortable buying food locally and building relationships with my neighbors that way.
More and more, I am feeling at home here. While of course, I am still adjusting and there is a lot that goes on in the background, God has allowed me to have good quality time with a variety of people here and giving me people and space to be poured into as well. And, God has been gracious in allowing me to pray for and with those whom I'm away from both in the U.S. and in the south of the island!
In the spirit of John 17:4-7,
I pray… that my relationships with people in this community, on the staff, with other missionaries, and with family and friends from whom I've moved away, will continue to grow and deepen. May those who meet me and know me see a reflection of You and have no question that You have sent me! May my life and ministry be for you, about you, and completely yours!