Monday, May 26, 2014

Little Reminders & Unexpected Travels

The past few weeks have been hard.  And yet, I have seen God's hand in the people around me who have loved and prayed for me, in God's healing hand, and in God's timing.  I praise Him for continuing to fill me spiritually even though this time hasn't been easy.

Three weeks ago,  I spent time with various kids and adults who had come down with a virus that is going around the Caribbean called Chicunguya.  This virus is one that is passed on by a mosquito and is not deadly, but feels like a very strong flu.  I brought a few kids to the hospital, bathed sick children and tried to help whenever I could.

Not long after, I headed to a women's retreat where the woman missionaries who are a part of SCORE International had a weekend in Jarabacoa (a city about 3 hours from where we live).  The time planning, being spiritually filled, and getting to know each other better was refreshing and the rest was very much so needed.

And, naturally, right when I got back from the retreat and just because of where I live and the amount of mosquitos in that environment, a mosquito got me, and I came down with the virus.  Chills, fever, rash, joint pains, and headache.  You name it, I felt it.  Fortunately, I am okay and not contagious.  

Today, I find myself in the United States.  This trip came as a complete surprise as someone very close to my family passed away unexpectedly last weekend.  The situation is truly sad.  But somehow, I am able to see reasons to be grateful.  First and most importantly, I am thankful that the she loved the Lord and is now home with Him.  I am grateful that she didn't suffer.  I am grateful to have the opportunity to travel to Florida for a week to hug, support and just love some of my closest family friends during a really rough time.  And, I am thankful for God's grace, that during a time when I was feeling homesick, I have the opportunity to spend time with friends and family in both Florida and Georgia before heading back to the Dominican.

Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. 1 Peter 3:8

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

This week, I have asked God to push the "re-set" button.  I have prayed to feel refreshed and refocused before going back to the Dominican.  And, I praise Him for what He is doing.  While I have only been here for a few days, I can already feel His hand in His comfort, rest, and healing.  I also have had quality quiet time and family time.  Lastly, I thank Him for time to see an American doctor, eat some foods that I have missed while being in the Dominican, and be encouraged by both new friends and old.

With all of my experiences over the last few weeks-- being on a retreat, being sick, and now having a sudden death in the family, I am reminded of the importance of dedicating all of our being to Him --  our time, our resources, our bodies, our minds and even our conversations.   I am reminded of my need to honor Him by resting and taking care of myself as well.  And mostly, I am reminded of the brevity of life. After all, we never know what day will be our last.

Jesus explains to His disciples in Matthew, "so you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected. A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward.  I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns.  But what if the servant is evil and thinks, ‘My master won’t be back for a while,’  and he begins beating the other servants, partying, and getting drunk?  The master will return unannounced and unexpected,  and he will cut the servant to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

And then, I was reminded of when Jesus told the disciples a parable about a King who had entrusted much to various people -- some who decided to use it well and others who didn't.  To the group the king replied, ‘and to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. And as for these enemies of mine who didn’t want me to be their king—bring them in and execute them right here in front of me.

Yesterday, I sat through a funeral for a seemingly healthy woman who passed away unexpectedly.  She was described as a woman of grace, a daughter who loved the Lord, a Proverbs 31 wife, a sister who cared for her family in need, a mother who taught her family about what it meant to love God, and a friend who was consistent in what she said she believed and how she lived.

As I head back to my new life in the Dominican, I pray that her legacy would live on both through her own daughters' lives and in mine.  I pray that the Lord would remind me continuously that:

He is in control.
He is watching.

Live for Him.
Don't waste HIS life.
Be encouraged.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Prov. 3:5-6

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Peacocks in Panamá?

So, the last few days I have really missed home.  I've missed friends, family and especially the community that I came out of in Atlanta.  I am so grateful because I know that my community back home (and in Florida) loves me and prays for me regularly.  I know that because I occasionally get an encouraging email or have the chance to talk via Skype or even the phone.   I also know that there are people here who love me and pray for me and are encouraged by me.

Sometimes though, I just miss home.

This is my commandment.  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:8

Ministry here is flourishing.  I have on average about 45 kids coming to Saturday's kids club even though we took a 2 week break for Holy Week and my trip to Panamá.  The relationships that I am building with families around Quisqueya are growing.  I am starting to see more how I fit and people are gaining confidence in my abilities to help.  I see kids reading more confidently and teachers taking an interest in truly teaching them to read.  I see the amount of sponsors growing and the amount of letters written to children growing as well.  I continue to be broken by the amount of people who have no job, have a hard time feeding their families and are sick with no little to go to the hospital.  And, my mind is always going towards how I can help in a deeper way without hurting.

Live in a way that pleases Him, and love Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul.  Deuteronomy 10:12

Additionally, I had the opportunity to travel to Panamá on a mission trip with a group of missionaries and church members last week and accompany two SCORE missionaries in their ministry.  The theme for my group's teaching was I Lift My Eyes Up based on Psalm 121.  We stole an idea used from a group that was here a few months ago and used peacock feathers that magically balance on your hands as long as you are looking at the top.  If you drop your eyes, the feather falls.  The feathers were a perfect demonstration of what happens when we take our eyes off of Christ.  Our ministry was  concentrated mostly in the east of Panamá, leading Bible studies, teaching VBS, doing light construction (well, the guys did that), and talking to Panamanian people about Christ.  The Lord truly blessed the week, as we were encouraged ourselves to have pure hearts, keep our eyes on the Lord and stay strong in our every day lives.

And in spite of all of those blessings, I came back home and found myself missing the people who've known me for a long time and the "normality" of home.  I know that it is just the devil trying to creep in on my confidence, on my enjoyment and on my focus on Him which truthfully has been better than in any other time in my life.

My grace is all that you need.  My power works best in weakness.  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.  2 Corinthians 12:9-10

And the other night just when I wondered if what I was doing here was making a difference and after having spent a lot of time praying, a sweet mom, María, came and shared a testimony with me.  She shared that just before I went to Panama she had been praying with Mirqueya about needing a miracle.  That day she and her two boys hadn't eaten at all.  She was hungry.  They were hungry.  Then she saw me and I (unknowingly) asked if she and her boys wanted to stay for dinner.  I had so much food and didn't know why I had made so much.  And two weeks later, I found out why.  The Lord knows our needs and He will fill them!  Additionally, Maria could have told me that story two weeks ago, but the fact that she waited and the Lord led her to tell me when I was down is no coincidence.

I praise Him for the good stuff, and I praise Him for the hard stuff and I will forever lift my eyes!!

Prayer Requests:

  • For the Lord's wisdom in how to help families earn money.  I have some ideas that could really help the community long-term that aren't really developed yet. 
  • For the five little girls who are still at home.  Pray for their continued safety, their mom's health, and the process that is happening right now for them to be in a safe place.
  • For Yumercy, one of the Emanuel House special needs kids who is in the hospital.  She has been recently diagnosed with an aggressive cancer.  Pray for peace and strength for both her, her mom, her grandmother and her two older brothers.
  • For continued uplifting and God-focused community and friendships here.
  • For rest.  It seems I get sick every 3 months.  That God would give me strength to get over this illness.
The group that I traveled with was made of missionaries, interns and church members that live here in the D.R.  We represented the U.S., Bermuda, Argentina, and Uruguay.  I learned a lot not only about Panamanian culture but about other cultures as well.
The second day we visited a school and taught VBS to kids and challenged adolescents
to follow Christ.  Notice the kids trying to balance the feathers.
The first day after leading a woman's Bible study, we went to a church and led VBS.
Afterwards, I got to play "school" with some girls.  I was a student of course.

Trying to balance feathers.  Hand flat and eyes always looking up.  It's not easy...
and sometimes there are distractions.
Praising Him!

The third, we visited a community that lived on an island about a half
hour from the city.  This is a typical house.  This was my favorite spot of the week.

To get to the island, we had to take a boat.  The people traveled on these and rowed themselves over. 
The people put on these traditional clothes and danced for the tourists. 
More traditional dance.

First encounters.  This little girl was so sweet and a bit shy. 

 In honor of the guys doing construction on the island, we wore bandanas.
Kids in their homes.

Here's a closer look.

Throughout the week we had the opportunity to lead Bible studies in Panama City and in two small communities.
We led a Bible study for these girls focusing on Jesus stories from the Bible and keeping your
eyes on the Lord.  I got to share my testimony on day four.

I read from Psalm 121.
The last afternoon we visited the Panama Canal and got to go shopping in Panama City.  It's a lot like the US.  Big malls, lots of people, and a variety of races living in one place.