Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rest, Renewal & a Bit of Home

**italicized phrases from Jesus Calling (Feb 15 - Feb 25)

Come to Me with all your weaknesses: Physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Rest in the comfort of My Presence, remembering that nothing is impossible with Me.  

Two weeks ago is a blur to me.  I spent the majority of the week in bed aching, coughing, and just overall feeling exhausted.  Truly, I had the desire to do nothing more than to sleep.  On the fourth day in bed, I realized that maybe, just maybe God was trying to tell me something, communicate with Me His desires, get me to listen to His small, still voice.  And so, I began to journal.  I read the Bible.  I prayed to the Lord.  And amidst my sickness and feelings of weakness, I realized that I have too much on my plate, that maybe in some of the things that I am doing here, I am not completely walking right in the middle of His will but instead maybe even though I am doing good, I am not doing exactly what God would have me do here.  

Rest in my presence, allowing Me to take charge of this day.  Do not bolt into the day like a race horse suddenly released. Instead, walk purposefully with Me, letting Me direct your course one step at a time.

Maybe, just maybe, God was telling me to slow down and to rest some.  Let Him direct me each day.

Thank Me for each blessing along the way; this brings Joy to both you and Me.

Who would've thought that in the midst of being so sick, God would bring me some clarity and some peace.  Who would've thought that in the midst of being so sick, I would be able to come out of it thanking the Lord for slowing me down and for allowing me to evaluate not only what I am doing here, but also how I am spending my time and how I can serve Him in a way that better aligns with what He wants me to do.  It's okay to say "no." Oh but it is so hard sometimes.  

I am so thankful for the realization that it's important for me to take care of myself emotionally, spiritually and physically.  Without doing that, my ability to impact those around me is diminished.  Organizing my time, saying no, allowing the Lord to fill me up -- those are necessities in my life... In all of our lives.  Not only physical rest, but also emotional and spiritual rest, taking time to enjoy God's beautiful creation that He has given us, enjoying the people that He has put in my life without always just "doing".  Those are essentials. Being sick was undoubtedly a blessing and a reminder to be depending on Him and not my own strength and to just stop sometimes.

A grateful heart protects you from negative thinking.  Thankfulness enables you to see the abundance I shower upon you daily.  In everything give thanks for this is My will for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Reading my journal over the last 2 months, I realized just how hard it's been.  And as we all know there are chunks of time that are hard.  We cannot always control our circumstances. Our thoughts, however I believe, are something that we have complete control over.  Being thankful -- even when it's hard-- helps us to truly worship the Lord and show Him that we understand that He is Emmanuel, God with us.  In the last week, I was reminded of Psalm 102 which tells of someone who feels utterly desperate, but remembers truth.  But you [oh Lord] are always the same, you will live forever  (v. 27).

Then, in our thankfulness, in our realization that God is with us, even in our pain -- that is when we can see the abundance of the Lord.  The result of me being sick has made me recognize or better yet remember just how good the Lord is.  He's given me a great place to live and in just 7 short months, both american and dominican people have come to love me so much so to pray beside my bed during sickness, to make sure that I called home, to insure that I was fed, and to make sure that I got the medical attention needed.  (I think I had a good case of the flu or as the doctor told me -- "the cruds".)

And when I thought that His goodness couldn't be greater in healing my body and giving me insight, I had the opportunity to spend time in Haiti with my American church family.  After traveling 6 hours there, I saw God's over-abundance in many special ways.  The experience gave me the ability to worship with my church family, to be prayed over, to talk with people from my home community, to make new friends, to be encouraged, to speak a little bit of French, and ultimately to have one of the pastors return to Quisqueya and encourage me in God's work here.  Additionally, I am now connected to a Haitian ministry and people who are doing God's work with some of the poorest people that I have ever come across in my life. 

I praise Him in the midst of hurting people who even though they have horrible circumstances, are seeing Jesus through locals and foreigners who want to help.  I praise the Lord for Carmel and her husband Pere Val, who feed 800 kids a month, educate parents on how to keep their kids nutritious, plant churches, and build schools.  Thank the Lord for those who are helping their own people.  I praise the Lord for His encouragement and love for me.  I praise Him for regained strength and renewal.  I am abundantly grateful for Brad's visit, encouragement and counsel, along with the support of my home church.

Rely on Me, your Strength; I make your feet like the feet of a deer, enabling you to go on the heights. (Habakkuk 3:19)

-Thursday's softball game where we played and shared the gospel in Boca Chica 
(It went well, the Gospel was shared, but I wasn't there.  Sick in bed!)

-A structured schedule in my week (getting insight in this -- thanks be to God!)

-Mission trip to Haiti (2/19-2/22) with my home church
(God was Great. Thankful for a safe trip and renewed spirit!)

-Discernment in God's long-term ministry call here in Quisqueya
(getting insight in this -- thanks be to God!)

- continued strength in and dependence on God's Word and belief in His power
- the five little girls who are still living with their dying mother
- the two Wesleyan School teams that will be here in a little over a month to minister to the Dominicans  
- discipline in Bible memorization
-wisdom in running the library and supporting the library workers

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Appreciating the little & BIG Things

Since my last blog post, there are so many things to be thankful for:

We officially opened the library.  The kids have been crazy excited even though right now we have limited hours as we adjust to the "newness" of it all.  They are learning that you are quiet in libraries, that it's not an area to run around and that reading is fun! There are still books coming in. (Check out the how you can help tab if you are still interested in sending books.) Thanks to everyone who has donated to, prayed for, and supported this effort!  I am so thankful that through the library, we are not only providing books for kids who would otherwise not have any, but also through support money I am able to provide work for struggling families!


I also had the opportunity to go zip-lining.  I have always had the problem with resting, but God gave me a day to rest in His creation 2 Saturdays ago.  It was awesome.  Now, if only I can get this resting thing down each week...

The kids at Emanuel House were finally given their One Laptop Per Child laptops and are beginning to learn to use them, embrace the rules and hopefully will be exploring things that have never been possible before.  I have been training teachers each Friday on ways to implement the laptops and I have been giving them other activities in their classrooms.

I continue to lead my Saturday Kids Club.  This past Saturday we had about 18 kids there and they learned about Cain and Abel, sin and our need to be obedient to the Lord, and not be jealous of those around us.  I was able to incorporate a library book on jealousy and a kids' Bible called The Action Bible as well.  (If you have a child and don't know about this, it's lot's of fun!)

I attended two sessions put on by Ken Ham about creationism and why the Bible's version of creation is true.  It was a very interesting talk especially in light of his recent debate against Evolution.  I felt very fortunate to have some connections to get to participate with Dominican Youth and the SCORE GAP students earlier this week.  There was a lot of science talk and a lot of Bible talk.  I was and still am encouraged to read, read, read the Word!  I am convinced that the Lord is who He says He is... and that His Word is inspired by Him.  So, I must agree that Genesis is true and that "in the beginning... GOD."

My favorite experience over the last few days occurred on Sunday when I walked over to some of the kids' houses that live just a few blocks away only to find little girls hardly dressed with afros.  So sweet. And then, in walked two more looking exactly the same with huge smiles on their faces.  It was then that I realized that they all had all just taken bathes.  After one (Merlina) finished eating, I gave her a letter sent by one of her sponsors.  I read it aloud.  Merlina is about 6 and can't read or write yet although she has great command of using a pen.  So, we talked about what she wanted to say to her sponsor, and I wrote in yellow for her to later trace in pen.  I also gave her little sister a gift sent from her sponsor for her birthday. Then, I took 4 little ones to a local bakery where they enjoyed cookies.  Listening to their chatter the whole way was a treat!

Working with Child Sponsorship -- although I feel all over the place -- has opened the door wide open to feel comfortable visiting kids and their families.  I am looking forward to continuing to build relationships around this community.  I can only imagine what the Lord has planned for me.

Please join me in praying for:
- continued strength in and dependence on God's Word and belief in His power
- the five little girls who are still living with their dying mother
- this Thursday's softball game where we will play and share the gospel in Boca Chica
- the two Wesleyan School teams that will be here in a little over a month to minister to the Dominicans
- discipline in Bible memorization 
- a structured schedule in my week
-wisdom in running the library and supporting the library workers
-upcoming mission trip to Haiti (2/19-2/22) with my home church
- discernment in God's long-term ministry call here in Quisqueya