So, here I go with those things that I really would like to accomplish in my life -- and hopefully, I will complete many in the next few years. I am really hesitant to state, "before I die" as only God knows when that will be and although we tend to think that dying happens to old people, I know very well that is not necessarily true. So, my goal is to live my life to the fullest each day! Love those around me! And try my hardest to be honest and kind to those whom I love! And, in the midst of all of that, I hope that I can accomplish the things on my list and more!
- Take a RoaD TRiP to California!
- WRiTe & PuBLiSH a BooK in English & in Spanish!
- aDoPT at least one child and give him/her a better life!
- SPoNSoR a disadvantaged child's private eDuCaTioN!
- Find my Prince Charming & FaLL DeePLY iN LoVe--No HoLDiNG BaCK!
- ViSiT aLL 50 STaTeS!
- LiVe iN a SPaNiSH-SPeaKiNG CouNTRY for at least a year!
- Serve in the PeaCe CoRPS!
- EaRN my DoCToRaTe in education!
- Give BiRTH! (I'm deathly afraid!)
- BaCKPaCK through SPaiN!
- GRoW a GaRDeN!
- ReaD the entire BiBLe!
- Bring someone to CHRiST!
- TiTHe cheerfully every month!
- Learn to CoMMuNiCaTe WeLL -- even when it may hurt!
- Compile a BooK oF ReCiPeS from the women in my family!
- Learn to CHaNGe a TiRe and CHaNGe the oiL in my car!
- Learn to DRiVe a STiCK SHiFT!
- FaST for a month -- focusing totally on God!
- BaLaNCe FuN, FaMiLY and WoRK!
- Help my DaD understand JoY, PaTieNCe & LoVe!